
#98 It was hotter than blazes up in the north country over the weekend. Whew. I hope y’all are keeping your cool — drinking your water and breathing. I have news about my Intention Cards. I am selling them for what they cost me to produce plus shipping,...


#99 “One does not always stay intact.”  ~Judith Butler There is something to be said for allowing yourself to be shook up; as opposed to trying to protect yourself from the shaking. There is something to be said for letting yourself be who you are, rather...


#100 This is issue #100 of Tenacity Notes!  Wow. Congratulations to all of us for our tenacity. Someone recently asked me what my philosophy of life was. Although I’d never considered that question before, I answered without pause. “Always leave a place...


#101 Here’s a reader’s reply from last week: “What a great 100th Tenacity Notes. Just asking ourselves, ‘what can I do to leave this better’ can bring clarity to every corner of our lives — as helpful in depth as in breadth.  Goes...