#230 Shame

I know it’s been a long time since Tenacity Notes #229, but things happened. The first thing that happened was autumn. I was staggered by the beauty of the far northland. Possessed by it. Stunned. I could do little, other than be awed. Then Lena, my feline...

#231 Shame is Not Yours

Here’s one thing I know about shame: IT’S NOT YOURS. You only have it because someone gave it to you. It’s what we tend to do with shame — we pass it on. That’s what the person who belittles another is doing, he’s passing on the...

#232 It’s Neutral

Consider this: The situation is neutral — it only becomes a positive experience or a negative experience according to the energy you impose upon it. The circumstance is neutral — it is your perspective that turns it into a mess or a blessing. Whenever I...

#233 Dr. Emoto

In honor of Dr. Emoto, who died recently, I’ve been assiduously practicing Imbue and Imbibe. Remember that? See: Icky Rice  Imbue and Imbibe  Intentional Eating  and  More Intentional Eating